Friday 30 August 2013

Does Bella B Tummy Honey Butter Really Work?

Bella B Tummy Honey Butter is preferred for preventing stretch-marks in pregnancy . It includes a dense , oil-based formula that penetrates deeply into the skin layers , keeping skin moisture and elasticity for many hours . Tummy Honey BUTTER carries a mild natural cocoa butter fragrance - no flowery or overwhelming fragrances .

Cocoa butter is the primary ingredient and although several claim that it may reduce , stop , and remove stretch-marks , this is an uncertain claim . Several odd oils produced from sesame , almond , and , of every thing , avocado is included . Although this creates a nice ‘gimmick ,’ it is hard to claim such products would actually work toward reducing stretch-marks .

Side-effects :
Even though this product should never irritate the skin , it is strongly recommended that you perform a spot test prior to use prevent a negative effect . 

Direction Of Use:
Use liberally in damaged areas 2 times daily .

  • Supports fade existing stretch-marks.
  • Helps prevent future stretch-marks.
  • Consists of ingredients to assist the fight itching.
  • Free from artificial additives , lanolin and petroleum.
Cons :
  • Doesn’t Absorb Nicely.
  • Uncomfortable.
  • Oily.
  • Extremely sticky.
  • Stays to clothes and difficult to wash off.
  • Outputs will vary for many users , certainly indicate it doesn’t work at all.
Bella B Tummy Honey Butter Side Effects :
Apart from the discomfort connected with the stickiness , there are no real side-effects with such a product . Those who are allergic to vegetable based products or are susceptible to acquiring acne may prefer to stay away from such a skin care cream . There are many customer reviews proclaiming that they felt certain itching during the entire treatment period .

Bella B tummy honey butter could make a difference . It is made for existing stretch-marks as well . It consists of a lot of moistening agents for the skin . This may keep the skin soft and flexible . People might have several choices with regard to the qualities they search for in a product .
